July 2021 Newsletter
Hello Neighbors, Happy Summer! Please find a few important announcements and reminders below.
Architecture/Home changes
Please submit all exterior change proposals to the board (email to right). This includes exterior painting, roof replacement, window replacement, fences, changes to landscapes and structures and projects in backyards as well. The board will review to ensure they are within the spirit of the CCRs. Please allow 2 weeks for review.
Exterior home upkeep
As many of our homes are now about 15 years of age, some are starting to show signs of wear and age. It is important for overall neighborhood value that your exteriors are well maintained. Please ensure:
- Your landscape is well maintained, including removal of dead shrubs and trees, stumps, and limbs.
- Paint is well maintained
- Celebratory yard signs have been removed after 30 days
- Holiday lights have been removed 6 weeks post-holiday
- Basketball hoops should not be on roads. When you are not using please move onto your property off the road.
- Gravel in front/side of homes – please ensure the weeds are clear and that you have enough gravel, you/your landscaper is maintaining this, and gravel isn’t in the street. Moving forward we will ask the HOA landscaper to spray the weeds in the gravel. If you DO NOT want weedkiller on these areas please email the board no later July 30.
- We will be sending notifications to homes in violation in the coming weeks with notifications to correct.
Neighborhood Safety
PLEASE slowdown in the neighborhood we have had several close calls with pedestrians. Please keep everyone safe. We have been in touch with the county about ongoing safety concerns.
Keep your eyes open. We have had several vandalism acts -drivers running over grass: sprinkler and light wires have been intentionally cut on more than one occasion. If you see anything strange, please report it to the board.
Board Operations
We are in the process of updating and modernizing the CCR / By laws, this review is almost complete and we expect a neighborhood vote on the changes this summer.
Neighborhood improvements: Further updates/enhances are under consideration to the front entrance. Including additional landscaping, fixes to fences and enhanced lighting. We will share further updates once we have plans/ quotes from vendors.
SAVE THE DATE: Neighborhood block party afternoon of September 12! Details will be forth coming. Please let us know if you would like to help with planning. Don’t worry – we checked and the Seahawks play at 10 am 😊