April 2022 Newsletter
Hello Neighbors! Please find a few important announcements and reminders below.
Year In Review
With the annual homeowners meeting just completed and we are beginning to think about a new fiscal year we wanted to recap the year. It has been a busy year for this new board. While many of the improvements and changes may not be visible to all of you, we wanted to highlight the work and foundation that has been made this year to support our neighborhood and future HOA boards.
Improved Financial Processes
Establishing a formal financial process. This included a HOA bank account, invoicing and process for reimbursements. This also included rigor in our finances that allow us to file taxes (if needed); a process that has never been completed to our knowledge.
Modernization/ Updates to CCR/ Bylaws
While still a work in progress, we expect to vote on large changes this month. As previously mentioned, a group of board and non-board members contributed to ensure a proper review was conducted. We expect some changes to be in place mid-2022.
Neighborhood improvements
- Routine cleanup of the community trials. After a large effort in early 2021 to clean up the trails we began to have our landscape team service the trails routinely Spring – Fall.
- Proposals, reviews and plans for increased landscaping in the front entrance. Several reviews/ planning and bids were collected to complete this project. The board had to wait to start this until the spring both for plant health and availability and there wasn’t enough money in the FY 2021-22 budget. You should see lots of activity beginning Mid-April to further enhance our entrance!
- Patterson way/ Powerline trail clean up and dead tree removal and replacement.
As we look ahead, the next major capital expense is replacement of the fencing throughout the neighborhood. The black split rail fence was installed around 2003 when the neighborhood was being developed. The community is responsible for maintaining and replacement. Throughout the years, fences have been repaired, boards replaced, and the fence repainted several times. However, after nearly 20 years they have reached the end of their useful life. From afar you may feel they do not look bad- but the structural integrity is gone – the posts are rotting; the boards are splitting, and they are in desperate need of painting. The board will need to determine if this is completed all at once or split across 2 fiscal years. Our increase dues this year will help support this need.
Annual Dues
As per vote on March 30, 2022, the dues will be $2500. An invoice will be sent to each home via email and will be due on May 15, 2022. The preferred payment method is Zelle. Details will be on the invoice. Please remember that Zelle for many banks has a $2000 transaction limit and will require 2 transactions for most homeowners. Please ensure you have both transactions completed by May 15. If any questions, please reach out to Sanjay Kulkarni at sgskulkarni@yahoo.com .
- Dog Waste: Please be mindful of your pets and curb their waste! It is not pleasant to have to navigate around piles on your evening walk. If your kids are walking your pets – please make sure they are picking up after your animals and PLEASE do not leave poop bags littering the street.
- ACC approvals: Please remember that all external projects and major changes need approval by the architectural committee. Examples include new exterior painting, the addition of a shed or back yard entertainment area, new roofing. Approvals are usually within a week but please allow 2 weeks for planning.
- HOA Board Nominations and Voting: Please watch your emails for specific information for voting on the CCR changes as well as new board member. Board nominations are due April 9th and board voting will be occurring Mid-April .
- Gravel: The gravel in front of many homes needs to be replenished. The Board may be notifying you of the need to update this spring.